You may need to close and re-open Web of Science and repeat the search

Locate the references in Unfiled and transfer them from there to a named group of your choice, or set up a new named groupĮndNote Online is hosted on the same overall platform as the databases contained in Web of Science (Science, Social Science, Arts and Humanities Indexes and others).If the results were not exported to a specific named folder, then click on "My references" at the top left, and look for the Unfiled section on the left-hand menu.If you were able to export the results to a named group in your EndNote Online account, they should be there.You may need to enter your Web of Science / EndNote Online login details in the process In the drop-down menu, choose EndNote (near the end of the drop-down - not 'EndNote Click') and this should then open up EndNote Online on-screen. In Web of Science, simply go to the Products tab at the top right of the screen. This may happen when exporting results from Web of Science database searches. I've exported results to EndNote Online but I can't see what's happened.