that's exactly how much technically better keep is, comparing to everything else, except.

still, it can be used as 99% if we just avoid relying on any gmail exclusive shit. the ONE issue the internet was BUILT to resolve, funny enough. i mean, even moving from google inbox to gmail was a pain precisely because of this issue. the only reason it's not 99% (because nothing is ever 100% in reality) is the lack of true backup. even to this day there's nothing even closely adversary to gmail. still, that doesn't make notion any technically better, in fact. perhaps notion is a better company for this precisely because it's smaller and, so, much less corrupted by power. now, to my dismay, the knowledge of the crowd could teach me something. because i'm too growin' to hate google, but what makes notion's company any better? it's probably not privacy concerns, which fills up most of the negative points i could read here on keep, and could certainly apply to notion. it's probably down to 79% instead of the contender, notion, at 91%, because of what i'd like to call the ignorance of reality. Cregox's Experience crazy former programmer here: it's truly awesome! it should be 95% awesome.